Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Exhaustion" explained.

It's almost 3 am and I am just coming off one of the busiest weeks of my life with more to do in just a few short hours. Quite frankly as I sit here I feel more exhausted than I can remember in a long time, so much so that it is causing me to feel sick.

The larger picture here is that all summer I have been on this non-stop train of having my calendar filled with things to do, places to go, people to see. Yet, I feel some emptiness inside.

So it begs the question, how can I feel this way when I am in so many leadership positions surrounded by so many people all the time? 

"Even in crowds I'm alone" 

The answer for me is quite simple. I have found my identity in about everything besides my adoption as a child of God. I have used anything and everything as a distraction to hide whats truly going on inside.

Ok. We get it Corey. Busy equals bad, God equals good, We've heard it before.

But hear this.

I don't know what has caused you pain in your life, what has damaged you, or what you desire to hide from. I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart, that you experienced the confusion, hopelessness, and pain that you have at certain points throughout your life.

This was not God's intention for you, when he created you it was to be in close relationship with him, but because we are prone to mistakes, evil things happen. God can take those things and turn them on their head and use them for good. (Romans 8:28)

Please feel God's compassion and heart for you. Let's you and me both stop distracting ourselves from whatever may be truly going on inside that we've yet to deal with. Because your schedule may be full and time may keep moving, but it wont make you exempt from the healing and restoration we all need.

Please stop feeling the need to earn God's approval. He loves you so deeply and passionately.

Part ways with your exhaustion, so that your true identity as God's beloved may thrive.

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