Friday, December 2, 2011

Dumont, NJ

A few days ago I was with my friend Cliff, my mom, and my sister on a trip to New Jersey. We were there to see Cliff's girlfriend and my wonderful friend, Deshanna.

Deshanna lives pretty close to New York City, one of my favorite places in the world to be. So myself and my family took a day to spend in New York City while Cliff and Deshanna spent the day together in Jersey.

To get into the city we took the New Jersey transit bus system. So that was our ride in and out of the city.

Well 11pm rolls around after a long, adventurous day in Manhattan, so myself and my family board our bus to get back to Hackensack, NJ. Or so we thought.

Turns out we took the wrong bus and ended up in Dumont, NJ which is about a half hour away from our car in Hackensack. So we are stranded in the middle of the night in Dumont, NJ. Now I'm not from New Jersey, so it is highly unfamiliar territory.

Something God has been showing me lately is the need for healing in my heart and life. I have let myself grow very hard hearted towards God and others. Couple that with being a recent college graduate and not knowing what the future holds at all, and I would say trying to heal and become the man God wants me to be places me in pretty unfamiliar life territory.

Luckily Deshanna and Cliff came to our rescue that night, and because Deshanna had already navigated the territory around her, being that she has lived in Jersey a long time, she was able to guide us home.

I feel right now like I'm stranded in a spiritual Dumont, NJ. Like I dont know the way, and I can try to explore and find it on my own, but I only get more lost. I need to walk with Jesus every step of the way, I need to follow him closely. I dont know what healing looks like.

I dont know what it looks like to truly know with all my heart that the Father loves me right now. I dont know the ground I stand on or the journey ahead. I dont know what it looks like to stop avoiding my wounds, or to stop covering over them by being a workaholic.

If it wasnt for Deshanna, we would have never gotten out of Dumont. If not for Jesus, I will not be made whole again. I can't know the way home apart from him. And I know he wants me home.

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