Monday, September 19, 2011

Stories from September 17th Laundry Love Project

You know, it's one of the best things in the world when you get to see real change happening in the lives of real people. And that is exactly what we are starting to see over time at the Laundry Love Project. We are seeing those we set out to serve become our friends, become servants of others, and start to step into the love and work of Christ.

A prime example of this is our friend Dale. Dale has been to every laundry love project and when we first met him, he was just coming out of homelessness and starting to get back on his feet. Since then, dale has begun to bring other homeless folks he knows to the project to get their laundry done. He is living proof of how God's love changes lives.

Not only that, but we are getting a chance to meet people that have real need, and we are getting to love and take care of them right where there are at, showing them that there is a God in heaven who cares deeply for them.

As those of us who live in the Dueber missions house were walking around our neighborhood, we met up with a woman as she was handwashing towels in basins in her house because her family had no washer or dryer. We told her about the Laundry Love Project, and at this last LLP Cheryl brought loads and loads of laundry to do for her family that they would not have been able to do had we not met them.

And probably the biggest blessing for myself is watching those who have been called by Christ have an opportunity to be with those who are struggling and use their gifts to love those cast out by society. This project is as much for those who volunteer as it is for those we serve, and all are learning what a life lived for the kingdom of heaven looks like.

At this last project we also met Jerry. Jerry has been 12 years sober (praise God!) but unfortunately his girlfriend is dying. Jerry acknowledges how much God has rescued him from, and I know that in this time of distress God will rescue both Jerry and his girlfriend.

Lastly, we met Charlie. Charlie lives right next door to the laundromat, and because of this project we were able to find out about other needs she has for repair around her house. Which is a huge deal because she is very old and disabled, making even small things hard to do.

I praise God for how he is letting us meet people and draw together as a community. We got to spend $250 dollars and help over 50 people do over 75 loads of laundry at this last project. And also had a cookout where we got rid of over 100 hot dogs.

God is working in Canton my friends, bringing light to dark places through the hands and feet of his followers.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Perception is reality?

How I long to see what's on my heart
be spoken of on your lips
Because I don't know how to say
that my heart overflows

Perception is reality, they tell me
So I suppose
Your thought of me after the talk, the laughter
I've no clue where it goes

I only hope where I land
is that part of your brain
that allows you to have grace
for a broken man like me

My day to day, the unseen
it's more than you've yet to know
but the praise that comes
I wish it would never go

If it were up to me I'd always manage my personality
but that's constrictive
What I'd really like is for you to see
the parts of me that are wicked

I'd like to know if you'd stay or go
based on the depths of my heart
Because this perception of me, that you think you see
has been hard to maintain from the start

So I breathe, and I hope
I hope for a love deeper
I hope for a love
I hope for a love
I hope
I hope
I hope

that you could care about the parts of me
That no one else has yet to see.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I remember

I haven't forgotten
what was special, what was true
The dream had been fading
then all I saw was you

I remember how we used to play
passionately, with no fear

I remember what we used to say
we belong right here

I dont care
what happened to our goals
or every shovel we used
to dig ourselves these holes
all that matters
is we are pressin on
we kept believing
we stayed strong

Where was it
that we first said goodbye?
all I can imagine
is the tears in your eyes

it doesn't matter
cause now we're movin on
the dream is bigger
the battle's won

I dont care
what happened to our goals
or every shovel we used
to dig ourselves these holes
all that matters
is we are pressin on
we kept believing
we stayed strong

Its 5am
I dont know what sleep is
cause who could rest
with knowing where we've been
I'd like to wake up
to tell myself its not real
but its much sweeter
to let myself feel 

I'll keep on dreamin with you
you'll keep on dreamin with me
until we wake up and 
find it's reality

Monday, September 12, 2011


Can I create something from nothing?
Is it possible to do what you do?
Cause when I look in myself
and at everyone else
There's no way this reality's true

We need order and borders
and bosses to say
Here's the box
and here's where you fit in

But as I try to break free
I stumble and fumble
and my sin
gets the better of me

When I face isolation
my thoughts run away
and I chase them all day
but I dont know where their going to
When I am super inactive
my thoughts become captive
and I attempt to see
somewhere in me
to tell me where I'm going to

The fuller the schedule
the richer the life
these lies are painted on

The less that you do
no one could ever love you
this thought comes on so strong

But me,
I long for direction
not dissatisfaction
I'm trying, I'm trying
I'm trying, I'm trying
But what I'm selling myself
my heart is not buying
so I'll give it right back to you

Maybe you can show what use I have
what steps to take, on this well-beaten path
I refuse to cave in, to believe its not true
that in you, and through you, and with you

I'll know just what to do.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A New Style.

All I want to do is put down the pen
but there's no end
to my feelings or my thoughts
while this storm carries on
it reminds me of a time, long gone
where I hoped, and I saw
what I needed.
But tragedy came
so I begged
and I pleaded
but the lightning kept striking
and the thunder was rollin
until I saw the end of myself
lost all control and
just when I thought
that the skies were always gray
sunshine came in
and wiped my fears away.

And now I rise with the sun
and shine brighter than the moon
because a prince was made
out of this once gone buffon

And now peace
deep in my soul

And my
slow down.
in control.

But I wait for the day
when the storm comes again
because I'm ready for it this time
I'll face it head on.

Now I'm strong
I have a rock
a foundation
to which I cling.

Jesus never fails
never falls
never loses
always trusts
always hopes......

and always perseveres.