Wednesday, June 6, 2012


My mind opens up like a movie screen
as projections of past rejections
scroll on by. That kind by which I've lived
and the kind that have caused me to die.

All breeding the hurt that led to this day
when to answer the unanswerable
becomes the most seemingly impossible task
ever put in my way.

To say it was a lack of communication
is to put it gently
To say it's because it's new territory
is to say it correctly

The second verse has always been
the hardest to write.
My mind knows what I want
but then doubts it mid-flight.

Kind of like with you
the beginning was clear
but the end, well that's a whole other story
that seems so near.

My head is capable of many things.
trapping me within, however,
might be it's biggest claim
to fame.

Like the style of this poem
my thoughts move and shift
sometimes I'm unable to keep up
and my thoughts go adrift.

For you, I'll try to catch one
of the best kind I know
the one that gives the honest answer
and brings about hope.

I've not much left to say
only that I'm sorry
and as you ask me "for what?"
that there's no simple end to this story.

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